‘The Nest’ is a comedy-drama that tells a story of courage and acceptance. Our protagonist Jason, confesses his desire to move out of the family home and away from his protective mother Donna, but disaster strikes at family dinner, when Robert, Donna’s long-term partner, goes into anaphylactic shock.
Director: Andrew Burrell
Writer: Gabbi E. Opperman
Producer: Nathan Roaf
Creative Producer: Louise Etches
1st Assistant Director: Morgan O’ Sullivan
Director of Photography: Abigail Bryan
Jason: Cory Nurse
Donna: Beverley Bishop
Robert: Oliver Hume
1st Assistant Camera: Daniel Collier
2nd Assistant Camera: Nathan Roaf
Production Designer: Louise Etches & Ella Doxey
Sound Designer: Arend Phillips
Editor: Daniel Collier
Script Supervisor/Make-Up and Prosthetics Designer: Gabbi E. Opperman
“Where can I watch?”
‘The Nest’ is currently undergoing Post-Production. We are hoping to take the film on a festival circuit in the ‘25 season. After, we aim to publish the film on YouTube. Stay tuned!