Inspired by a true story, 'In My Words' is a poignant film that intimately follows the life journey of Bethany, a 14-year-old girl facing the harsh reality of terminal cancer. As Bethany confronts her own mortality, she finds solace in writing a final letter to her beloved mother. Through her words, we reflect on the motions of her young life.

Director/Co-Producer: Andrew Burrell
Writer: Sydney Lane-Ryer
Producer: Samuel Crowley

Sarah: Rebekah Bigwood
Bethany: Salome Schindler
Brian: Zachary Fisher
Dr. Tiggs: Simon Power

Director of Photography: Oliver Nicoll
1st Assistant Director: Sydney Lane-Ryer
Production Designer: Sophie Reeve-Foster
Sound Designer: Joseph Hughes
Editors: Anisha Deb & Andrew Burrell

Watch ‘In My Words’ on YouTube.


Norfolk County Music Festival ('24)